Sunday, June 5, 2016

Flowers to Plant from seed in June

Flowers to Plant from seeds in June (Renees Garden)

 (my favorites, nasturtium)
simple to plant, long trailing vine and bloom, sweet lily pad like greenery on vine.  - seed packet, pencil, poke hole in potted plant, depth 1 inch,  cover with soil, water= long lasting flowers a month later.  germination 10-12 days, sun and part sun.  Easy to grow, edible flowers   


Plant flowers
in June from seed.
marigolds,  sunflowers, cosmos, zinnias, four o'clocks, nasturtiums,
annuals that usually burn out by late summer.
these produce a second crop of blooms around labor day

June and July -
start seeds for perennials and biennials to bloom next spring.
Sow in a protected seed bed.
Transplant seedlings in fall to winter over and bloom, for blooms in the garden the next year.

seeds- fast growing
Sweet alyssum, celosia, cornflower or bachelor button, marigold and cosmos. Zinnias, sunflowers and morning glories for color and quick growth, a favorite- nasturtiums