Saturday, June 16, 2012


 dreamy hosta gardens from pinterest
NOT my garden, yet ; )
inspiration in color selections

more 2

This is my is a work in progress. 

This year I've added...
3 phlox 
1 white daisy by rudabekia
5 beautiful vibrant Veronica purples (since snacked upon by my bunny friends)
several sweet potato vine (again, part of the rabbit buffet)
several hosta, divided from the front
dozens of impatiens- eaten to the stump by those *&%$# bunnys
coreopsis- gone- was Rabbits favorite
sterile purple loostrife
DH planted a huge viburnum and a green fern like evergreen 
a pearl spirea (love it), and a 
not sure about...barberry
On the other side 
4 blanket flowers,
multiple coreopsis- eaten by bunnies
A bowl of herbs make cooking so much better
Veronica- eaten by bunnies
stevia- yum! love the flavor
Big pots of tomatoes
liriope and sedum Autumn Joy 
I'd like to add some more rudabekia and another blushing bride Hydrangia
yellow coreopsis- hardier- bunnies are eating away- yum
replanted rabbit ears and a Loosestrife

little lime viburnum at the edge- near the edge really threw but off the balance
is huge!
I'm not sure if DH likes it there or filled a hole ; )
it is not proportionate and drives me absolutely crazy
I've planted a boomerang butterfly bush, some
Doug and son gave me three red rose bushes 
we've added more 
daylillies, some more veronica
4 blanket flowers, dianthus and 
transplanted more rabbit ears, lavender and catmint
whew!  we did much more than I thought
will add new photo when things are looking more robust.
oh- and tons of poison ivy...I wish rabbits liked to eat this- on no!

( my dream garden-*sigh*
not my garden)
beautiful potted plants-
 P Allen smith

organic fertilizer
in a terracotta pot
angelonia blue - 3
fillers  Sweet Caroline - bushy- 3
Calibrichobra- chiffon yellow 3
Macedonia - gold dust

full half day sun
stays moist with a saucer