Friday, January 20, 2012

Beautiful Birthday Flowers~

~Orchid from my good friend Kathy
~Beautiful Tulips from my hubby!
I love fresh flowers in in the winder...and summer...and spring, fall~ anytime!


  1. Happy Birthday! I've just discovered this other Blog of yours. We have the same animal/pest problems with our garden, too. I'm hoping to attach a lean-too green house to the side of my garage this year so I can grow my own plants to replace the ones lost to the critters each year.

  2. This is my "secret blog".
    I have a grey-blue-greenish thumb with a bit of brown just trying to figure it out as I grow. I sometimes post about our remodle so my family can see what we are doing. I'm always kind of surprised when someone joins ; )
    but would love comments and hope those much better than I can give me good advice about what to plant where. I enjoy looking and planning my garden in the winter months. I can observe it with fresh eyes.

    I'm a bit new to all this and somehow lost your link! could you resend it?

  3. oops....I just lost what I just typed or it published in the middle of the sentence! What I was trying to say is my newspaper recommends Christmas Ferns for limestone soil and that deer don't like them. I'm going to get some this Spring to fill in all my bare spots. I think they'd look nice in your shade garden. They will do well in sunny locations with enough water they say. I think you found my link because I got your comment. Thanks! If not, you can find the links in my profile. I also have a website for my children's stories: I painted the picture of the cat and snowman and I'll be posting the picture I painted of Poetry's friend, Sandy the dog, with the March story, but that is the extent of my drawing ability. That's why I love your paintings so much!

  4. ....shhhhh...don't tell! I'm just a gardner working on my garden. ; )

    I'm going to check out your the kitty, is it your art?


  5. Only the pencil watercolor of the cat and snowman. The rest is free animated clip art I found on the Web. I posted Poetry's February story and a Cabin Adventure story yesterday. I love the animated art you can find on the Web! If I could really draw I'd do my own. I'd also publish my own stories. I sent one yesterday to an agent--my first step in trying to get published--it's about Gabriel the Snowman becoming a little white dog so he can go look for Poetry, who's moved away. ☺ On my Blog I posted about my plans for my greenhouse!


My garden is a work in progress. I enjoy getting good neighborly advice. Please feel free to comment.