when to prune
Prune when trees and shrubs are dormant
and for flowering plants,
Pruning is best after blooming.
An excellent guide visit
Salvia, veronica- deadhead spent blooms
Read more: How to Prune Veronica | Garden Guides http://www.gardenguides.com/75806-prune-veronica.html#ixzz1vQvtmr00
Prune when trees and shrubs are dormant
and for flowering plants,
Pruning is best after blooming.
An excellent guide visit
Salvia, veronica- deadhead spent blooms
Prune taller varieties of Veronica in mid-June. Use sharp gardening shears to cut 6 inches off the mature plant from the first to the middle of June.
Cut the perennial Veronica that grows low to the ground in mounds. After the flower blooms a second time, cut it back to the foliage growing near the ground. Shear low-growing types back to foliage growing on soil after the second flush of bloom.
Prune Russian Sage after the last hard frost (May)
Prune Russian Sage after the last hard frost (May)
Pinch the faded flowers on all varieties of Veronica, during the blooming season. Pinching encourages reblooming. The University of Minnesota recommends using only fingertips for pinching the part of the stem below the blossom and above the node or where the point on the stem where the leaf is inserted.
Read more: How to Prune Veronica | Garden Guides http://www.gardenguides.com/75806-prune-veronica.html#ixzz1vQvtmr00