Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Art Studio Before and After

Before ~ there was just grass
the studio was built from scratch
(I love the view to the back yard)

Studio being built

my beautiful view
(after landscaping- it's another 100 year project)
~each year I add a few new plants, I approach it like a painting.
I'd like it to have color and interest all year, each year I look at
what is missing and add in color or texture.   
Sometimes, I divide, sometimes I transplant.
Each year, my painting becomes more colorful.


nothing but grass and more grass

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 2


Bedroom 1

Bedroom 1
Guest Room

Entry Way Before ~ After

Study TV room

Study and TV room before total makeover
from dark and gloomy

                                                                  ~ to light and airy~
                                 ~additional table for dinner parties ~ extends the dining room~