Saturday, December 10, 2011

Entry Way Before ~ After

Study TV room

Study and TV room before total makeover
from dark and gloomy

                                                                  ~ to light and airy~
                                 ~additional table for dinner parties ~ extends the dining room~

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rosemary's Enchanting Blog

"Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are." 

~Alfred Austin ( 1835-1913) 

this is from Rosemary's enchanting blog.


Friday, September 16, 2011


repost from Aug 23, 2010

BAck to SchOol

It's that time of year!

Remember Show and Tell?    My favorite "Show and Tell" was time my dad made a colorful circus wagon for our pet guinea pig, Ringo.  It looked just like the one in this picture (the cage, not the guinea pig.)    It was white, and looked like a fanciful carnival wagon.  It had bright red, yellow and orange circus colors and cut-outs, with fancy wheels and scrolled designs.  I'm sure it must have taken my father a long time to cut it out of plywood, glue it together and paint it.  Just like most things with kids, it magically appeared the day before "Show and Tell", bright and colorful and magical.  I was so enchanted with the little circus wagon, I think I slept with it in my room.  With straw sticking out all over, a few carrots and a new water bottle, Ringo and I headed off to school that day.  I was so excited to show off my pet to my teacher and friends.   Ringo loved his cage and enjoyed the extra attention (and carrots) from the kids in my class.  

(It looked similar to the image below, but was built around a little guinea pig cage.)

...tell me about your favorite "Show and Tell"?


Judy said...
Soooo cute! My favorite Show and Tell was the day my sister brought ME for Show and Tell. All I had to do was stand there - not do tricks or anything - but I remember thinking that she must have really liked me if I was the best she could come up with. Sadly, I never got a younger sibling to bring for Show and Tell (but i'm coping just fine...).
becky kelly studio said...
Your email made me laugh out loud! Thanks Judy! Becky

Monday, July 25, 2011

Before and after

Below are a few before and after remodel

maybe I'll have the courage to publish my post one day    ; )

blog intended to compare progress.

Before and After

Before and after....


